Teesside University
Teesside University has its main campus in Middlesbrough in North East England. It has 21,830 students, according to the 2012/13 HESA student record. As well as the main university in central Middlesbrough, it also has a campus in Darlington named Teesside University Darlington.
The University has been situated since its formation as Constantine Technical College in 1930. The University's entrance is at the site of the old Constantine College building, fronted by the Waterhouse clock tower.
The University opened its temporary campus Teesside University Darlington, in the former Eastbourne Secondary School in the Eastbourne area of Darlington. The new Darlington campus opened in 2011. The new campus is on the Darlington College site, in the Central Park regeneration area next to the East Coast mainline railway station.