St Mary's University
St Mary's University, Twickenham (informally St Mary's University or simply St Mary's) is a research university located in Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, in South West London. Founded in 1850, it is generally acknowledged to be the oldest Catholic university in the United Kingdom. Formerly called St Mary’s University College, it was granted full university title by the Privy Council on 23 January 2014. The campus is often referred to as Strawberry Hill, and its alumni are known as "Simmarians" or "Simmies". The University is made up of four academic schools which are Arts and Humanities, Education, Theology and Leadership, Management and Social Sciences and Sport, Health and Applied Science. St Mary’s has been named as one of the UK’s top institutions for sports. St Mary's offers various of Scholarships and has educated many notable alumni.